To get to the settings for the keyboard: enable the full keyboard in General/Settings/Keyboards, and then run the installed app. Scroll through the startup steps to get to Start Now, after which it will show Typing Test and Setting tabs.
To the reviewers complaining about sending info to servers: buck up and read, idiots. The description SAYS you have to give permission! Its not a surprise. And they say they dont send or store any of it anyway, and on top of that they dont even get passwords anyway. Look at Apples settings and privacy. Keyboards switch to the default when its time to enter a password. All of them.
However, its buggy starting out. The autocorrect has been improved, but could still be WAY better. It doesnt recognize common contractions at all. Id have to say that until the contractions get fixed this keyboard isnt really usable.
I still encourage everyone to get this keyboard, just so that when it gets really fixed youll find out when it updates.
Abel Goddard about iKeywi